To help our members protect against fraud, we have provided some helpful security tips.
Beware of these particular scams that are sweeping the nation:
To see the full article on our blog page, click here.
To read the full article, click here.
Fraud is on the rise so Compass is providing a free service for members. If a suspicious transaction is triggered, our fraud prevention vendor will send you a text message. You can respond to the text and this will prevent your card from being restricted. Click here to learn more.
If a fraudster steals your personal information, they can run up charges on credit cards, withdraw money from your accounts, open new accounts in your name, and more. Click here for ways you can prevent identity theft.
We have provided some information and tips on how you can protect yourself from phony emails and phishing scams. In this article, we will be focusing on the latest scam published by the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). Click here to read the article.